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  • Writer's pictureJULY


Feminism for me is a totally contradictory movement and, many times, even hypocritical, don't get me wrong, I know that there are huge inequalities between the sexes in our society and that women always had to fight to have their voices heard, and we can not stop fighting for equal rights, but what kills me about feminism is that there are years and years that women have been fighting and in fact we have achieved many advances, but we are far from reaching a real gender equality.

This happens because, to begin with, the same women who take to the streets to fight and protest for equal rights, when they go back to their homes, they raise their children in the traditional way, that is, "boy stuff" and "girl stuff". Don't tell me it isn't so because if it weren't, after almost a century of struggle, we would already have men who know how to wash, iron, cook, take care of the house and the children, just as we already have women who go out to work and, in most cases, share expenses with their husbands.

But we don't see this, we are in 2023, and there are still men who don't know how to fry an egg, I'm not saying that there are no men who are true homemakers, I know that there are, but unfortunately these are the minority, what I see is women going out to provide for the house "like a man", but on the other hand we hardly see men who take care of the house and children "like a woman".

And this is increasingly growing the male protest for women to pay the bill on the first date, women have to work, pay the bills and be independent, they say, and I agree with certainty we have to be independent, until we can get to come and go when we feel like it, but what bothers me is men and women saying that women have to pay this, pay that, but when you get home most of the time that will wash, iron and cook will be the woman.

Sorry, but for a man to want a woman to help pay the bills, he has to know how to wash, iron, and cook, take care of the house, do cleaning, and I'm not talking about sweeping the house and wiping the floor no, I'm talking about heavy cleaning, take care of the children, go to school meetings, pick up the children at daycare, work out and is always shave done and perfumed for when the woman comes home. Many men say, but I know how to do things, if I lived alone I could manage, but the truth is that most of these same men do nothing to help their wives at home, it is at least contradictory this situation, men want their wives to have jobs, a profession, earn their own money, but most of these same men expect their wives to wash, iron, cook, keep the house in order, take care of the children and still remain beautiful and fit.

And I apologize for the superwomen of the social networks, but the truth is that most of us who have to be housewives and still run after a profession, are always on edge, and tired, those of us with children, so help them God. So, my point here is, what good has it done for women to run after "equal rights", if inside their homes they still continue to raise their children, in the traditional patterns, there is no way to talk about equal rights and not also talk about equal duties because frankly if I have to help pay any bills I expect the man to also participate actively in domestic activities.

And nowadays, there is a growing policy that it is the woman's obligation to help pay the bill on a date, I don't like it, don't get me wrong, but in my opinion, who invites and who pays, and frankly if a guy that you are just getting to know already makes a point of charging you your share of the bill run because surely if he is not trying hard to impress you now, imagine later, But anyway, if you, my dear colleague, don't see any problems in paying the bill, that's fine, but in my opinion you should start checking to see if this guy knows how to cook and take care of a house because if he makes a point of splitting the restaurant bill, he will certainly make a point of splitting the rest, and if you don't make sure that he is a good housekeeper, you will be in serious trouble.

Another contradictory point in feminism for me, which is along the same lines as having to share the bill, is this thing that we should not accept that a man opens the car door for us, that we have to be strong and dominant all the time, I'm sorry, but this doesn't make any sense to me, It is not because I fight to have the right and access to the same opportunities that this has to mean that I can't let a man open the car door for me, pull out a chair at the restaurant for me to sit, if he is my partner, I believe he needs takes care of me when I will be necessarily it, the same way I would take care of him, that for me is partnership.

So, to be considered a strong and independent woman, I should restrain a man from treating me as I deserve, come on, I don't fall for this, I do want to be treated with kindness and chivalry, I want to respect men and be respected by them and I only would like to share the bills with a man who also does all the domestic chores equally, Except for the first date I only accept to share the bill if I am the one who chooses the place and I demand, the man should have his best clothes, the best perfume, and his skin at least soft and moisturized and smelly because when it's the man who pays the bill we usually dress up in our best clothes, put on makeup and perfume for them.

Don't get me wrong, I just want things to be fair because I can still wash, iron, cook, get ready to go on a date, in short, all the social repertoire required of women, but I can't do the minimum that men have to do and all the social repertoire of men, which is to provide for the house and pay the bill at the restaurant.

It is no use having equal rights if we don't have equal duties, equal responsibilities, and equal roles in a relationship, so far with all the feminist struggles, the only winner has been the man, and they take advantage of this, well, not all, but at least the majority because it is straightforward for a man to want his wife to be a professional, mother and housewife, If you want your wife to be a successful professional, you have to at least do the dishes for lunch, if you want your wife to work out and be fit, you have to at least help her clean the house, so she can have time for that.

So, what I say is that even if in the future it will be canceled for this, I am not a feminist and do not believe in feminism, nor do I believe in the sexism that oppressed women for centuries, what I believe is that the true revolution and equality we want to see will only happen when we learn to respect and admire each other in our similarities and in what makes us different, women are not better than men and men are not better than women, we are all human beings full of qualities and defects, and we must learn to accept and respect each other in our differences, and the main thing is that true equality will only come if it is about rights, duties and responsibilities because for now, it is hanging to one side and we women are not the ones who are winning, nor are men winning because either they are becoming weaker and weaker and more dependent on a woman who solves everything, or they are each day more lost in their masculinity and in what the world expects from them, while we are each day more frustrated and overloaded trying to dominate the world and being dominated by it.
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